Welcome to Local 877!

We represent stationary engineers and maintenance workers throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont. Our campaigns bring workers together to demand a voice on the job and a seat at the table with management. Together we improve and protect working conditions for our members.

A union…

  • Is a democratically organized group of workers who have united to improve their overall quality of life.
  • Represents workers in negotiations with employers.
  • Ensures workers have a say in their wages, benefits, safety, health and well-being.
  • Gives workers a strong voice in the workplace.

Pay your initation fee

You can quickly and easily pay your initiation fee online! Please note that an 2.9% processing fee is added for online payment. To avoid this fee, we recommend the standard method of check, mail, or in-person payment.

Pay Initiation Fee

Pay Your Dues

You can quickly and easily pay your dues online! Please note that an 2.9% processing fee is added for online payment. To avoid this fee, we recommend the standard method of check, mail, or in-person payment.

Pay Dues

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to become a member of Local 877 you must first be employed by an Employer that the Union has a current contract with and you must complete the proper paperwork. The time frame for application requirements is specific to each contract.

Each new union member must complete appropriate paperwork from the Union office. This paperwork includes an “Application for Membership” card, a “Dues Authorization” card, and applicable benefit paperwork. Please see your Union Steward for this paperwork.

Initiation fees must be paid in full before a new member will be initiated into the Union. This fee may be paid through payroll deductions, online, or directly sent to the Union office by the member. Employees are not considered union members in good standing until this fee is paid in full. As there are three branches of Local 877 with different initiation fees members should speak with their steward or the Union office to find the appropriate amount of the initiation fee.

If you are currently out of work, you are required to pay your monthly per capita tax in addition to your minimum dues in order to maintain membership. Please see the dues requirements below, specific to your situation.

Employment Status

 Monthly Per Capita Tax 

 Monthly Minimum Dues 

 Total Owed 

Out on leave (STD,LTD, Workers Comp)




Non-working (terminations, layoffs)




The minimum dues & per capita tax payment will remain your monthly responsibility until you return to work.