New Appointed Officers

Published On: June 9, 2022
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(PDF of letter)

Dear Brothers & Sisters:

Pursuant to General President Callahan’s letter dated May 19, 2022, the following members of Local 877 are hereby appointed as Officers of the Local in the following capacity:

  • Michael Cannistraro Business Manager & President
  • Shawn Ballard Vice President & Recording Corresponding Secretary
  • Brian Curran Financial Secretary & Trustee
  • Jack Mucciarone Treasurer & Auditor
  • Albert Lodi Auditor & Trustee
  • Christopher Glidden Conductor & Trustee
  • Michael Marino Guard
  • William Hart Auditor

These temporary Officers shall serve under my direction until the swearing-in of new officers after the next scheduled election and are subject to removal and replacement at any time at the discretion of the General President. I am confident the above-named Officers will diligently carry out their duties and responsibilities to the best of their ability for the membership of Local 877. I respectfully request you extend to them the same courtesy and cooperation extended to me.

Alan Pero
International Supervisor Local 877

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