Honoring Workers’ Memorial Day

Published On: April 28, 2022

Since 1970, April 28 has signified Workers’ Memorial Day. Today is dedicated to the remembrance and recognition of our brothers and sisters who have been injured, fallen ill, or have tragically lost their lives on the job. Today commemorates the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act which established the right to a safe work environment for workers.  The labor movement’s organizing played a crucial role in the passage of this act, which has been protecting workers for decades.

In 2022, following the untimely passing of a Local 4 Brother, Workers’ Memorial Day is a bit heavier on our hearts.

While our members are familiar with the importance of following safety protocols, within the last two years, it has been apparent that we rely on our coworkers, our brothers, and sisters, to do the same. Therefore, we cannot express the significance of being cognizant of all workplace procedures and safety protocols and helping your coworkers do the same.

At times, although necessary, our jobs may be dangerous — a great reason for why we organize and fight toward safe workplaces for all! We want to take this opportunity to recognize the hundreds of thousands of employees in the U.S. that have suffered as a result of unsafe working conditions.

We encourage all members to strictly follow job site protocols, advocate for workplace safety, and continue to fight toward universal safe working conditions.

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