125 Years of IUOE

Published On: December 7, 2021
125 Years of IUOE!
On December 7, 1896, the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) was founded by eleven workers in Chicago who fought to improve working conditions and wages for construction and stationary workers.

Today, we are the 10th largest union in the AFL-CIO and the 3rd largest in the Canadian Labour Congress, representing more than 400,000 members in 123 local unions throughout the United States and Canada.

We’re proud to represent the hardworking operating engineers dedicated to building and improving the United States and Canada. The roads and bridges we travel on, the buildings where we work or receive medical care, the infrastructure we rely on for our environmental needs, and some of our country’s most famous landmarks wouldn’t exist without operating engineers.

For 125 years, the IUOE has been a recognized leader in organized labor efforts such as collective bargaining, legislative action, and extensive training programs to protect our members and their families’ needs and interests and improve the quality of their lives.

As a union, we’ve endured several obstacles and challenges along the way. However, the leadership and perseverance of our members have allowed IUOE to get to where it is today.

Thank you to our members and families for helping us remain strong for 125 years!

Click here to learn more about IUOE’s remarkable history.

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